Free Guy Final Project

Carolina Rizzo
4 min readAug 5, 2021



Free Guy is a movie produced by Ryan Reynolds about a bank teller called Guy who realizes he is an NPC in a video game called Free City that will soon go offline. He embarks on a mission to save everyone by attempting to prevent the game from going offline. The marketing plan for Free Guy is very straightforward; they focus on star power, comedy, and references to other movies to advertise the film.

Some of the SMART goals for the campaign are:

1. Tracking interest of who will see the movie Free Guy by monitoring comments.

2. Tracking how many followers they get on each social media platform.

3. Tracking how engagement on their social media matches the ticket preorders.

4. After the movie comes out, they will see how the amount of people engaging on social media matches the opening box office amount.

5. Tracking how many people use the hashtag #FreeGuy #FreeGuyDude.


The platforms I will use to advertise the Free Guy movie are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. The reason these platforms are used is because they are the ones that feature the most people and the specific target audience for this movie: young adults who like video games, superheroes, and movies. The target audience for the Free Guy Facebook is mostly people in who are thirty to forty years old. These are the people who will take their kids or siblings to the movies. The videos, photos, and captions for Facebook will be different from the ones posted on Twitter and Instagram. The target audience for Twitter is people eighteen and up. Twitter will have the most room for engagement. This is where a giveaway can take place and where partnerships will be easier because we can retweet their posts featuring us. The target audience for Instagram is people who are eighteen to thirty years old. For Instagram, I will be posting Reels, IGTV, and photos. While most of their posts will be videos since we are advertising a movie, we will make sure it is not just resharing the trailer over and over. The Target audience for YouTube is the people who like video games and movies. On YouTube, they will be able to reach a broader audience because the videos are posted to the 20th Century Fox YouTube page. So, anyone who likes movies created by them and follows them on YouTube will be able to see the videos. There is also a huge gaming community on YouTube, so advertising where this target audience usually is located is always a good idea.

The voices for the social media campaign are comedic but informative about different aspects of the movie. Our goal is to keep it fun. Since this is a gaming movie, we will take a bit from that TikTok trend where people bounce in place like a video game character to feature some of the movie’s cast. All of these will feature humor in some way which is great because comedy is the genre of this movie. The hashtags used throughout this campaign will be #FreeGuyMovie #MoltovGirl #Freedude #Freeguy and #buddyFreeGuymovie. I will also have a collection of Hashtags based on the characters in case people want to tweet about which character is their favorite.

There are many partnerships featured in this campaign including but not limited to Ryan Reynolds himself and some video game companies like XBOX and PlayStation.

Post Examples:

Twitter Post Example: This post will feature a similar character choosing screen as below but with the characters in the movie Free Guy.

Caption: Get ready for our Character lineup! Who are you most excited to see?” #MoltovGirl #Freedude #Freeguy #BuddyFreeGuymovie

Facebook: Post will be a video of a teaser trailer for the movie. It will only be 1 minute long and feature one of the scenes from the movie Free Guy showing Guy freaking out about being an NPC and then him going into hero mode.

Caption: He’s not your conventional Hero. Take a first look at our new movie #FreeGuy

Type of post: Video

Purpose of the post is for people to gain interest in the movie.

Target audience of the post are people who like video games and action comedies.

Instagram: Post a reel of each of the characters bouncing in place to video game music.

Caption: Pick your character (video game controller emoji) #FreeGuy Movie #Moltovgirl #BuddyFreedudemovie #FreeDude

Type of post: video

Purpose: Show off some of the characters in the movie in a way that will appeal to people who play video games.

Target audience: people who play video games

YouTube: Post the trailer of the movie.

Caption: Free Guy is a movie about a bank teller called Guy who realizes he is an NPC in a video game called Free City that will soon go offline. He and another character from the game pair up to save their online world from destruction.

Here is a first look at Free Guy.

Type of post: Video

The purpose of the post is to get people interested and talking about Free Guy

The Target audience is people who follow 20th Century studios, like movies, and video games.

